— Women Care・Earth Care・Health Care —

Period Positive
Lovelady Pads connect our intimate part with the world. It arises a gentle revolution, bringing light to period, vaginal and womb!

Zero Waste Policy
Each Lovelady Pad is made by Nepalese women with the traditional way. We even use the rest material for some creative product such as placemats without any waste.

Love your womb
Lovelady Pads bridge our body to the Mother Earth and make us realize that we are also a part of Mother Earth. “Care the Womb, and Be with the Heart.” It’s an invitation for us to just enjoy and be with every moment at life.

Our products Catalog
The interfaces of Lovelady Pads are close to our sensitive skin. We emphasize on the making process and the quality by using natural material.

Social movement
Happy Period awareness and education workshops

You have joined the global camping for sustainable and menstruation revolution!

Period Positive
Lovelady Pads connect our intimate part with the world. It arises a gentle revolution, bringing light to period, vaginal and womb!

Zero Waste Policy
Each Lovelady Pad is made by Nepalese women with the traditional way. We even use the rest material for some creative product such as placemats without any waste.

Love your womb
Lovelady Pads bridge our body to the Mother Earth and make us realize that we are also a part of Mother Earth. “Care the Womb, and Be with the Heart.” It’s an invitation for us to just enjoy and be with every moment at life.

Our products Catalog
The interfaces of Lovelady Pads are close to our sensitive skin. We emphasize on the making process and the quality by using natural material.

Social movement
Happy Period awareness and education workshops

You have joined the global camping for sustainable and menstruation revolution!
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